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​As a programmer I develop games and applications with an eye towards future development. Utilizing professional Object-oriented programming practices allows me to work quickly while maintain coding standards.

During the development process, I constantly check my code to ensure it is:

  1. Clean and Readable

  2. Scalable 

  3. Robust 

The result is modular, loosely coupled code that can be reused to ensure fast iterative development.

Coding_Commandments.png's 10 Coding Commandments, from the Programming Design Patterns for Unity course. 

Clean and Readable
  • Maintain naming conventions allows for consistency and understanding of names.

  • Thoughtful names clearly display the purpose of each variable, function and class.

  • A readable layout allows for quickly understanding the flow of code without long comment explanations. 

  • Cohesive classes and functions group functionality so it is easy to find and reuse. 

  • Use of generic or inherited members allows for consistent functionality and reusable code as the application scale increases. 

  • Scriptable objects used for fast development and data storage (i.e. creating a variety of abilities).

  • Event driven input and UI allows for new modules to quickly plug into the core functionality. 

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  • Dependency diagrams allow for the building of loosely coupled scripts.

  • C# namespaces provide a check on creating new coupling between modules by requiring using statements. 

  • Avoiding circular dependencies allows for updating the code without breaking multiple scripts.

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